24 January 2009

Versi indonesia


Pada saat ini, kebutuhan energi listrik masyarakat kita belum tercukupi lebih-lebih masyarakat pedesaan yang sulit dijangkau oleh jaringan listrik, pemenuhan kebutuhan energi tersebut pemerintah mencari energi alternatif seperti gas alam, batu bara, dan tenaga nuklir. Untuk memperoleh energi tersebut harus mengeluarkan biaya yang besar dan harus menggunakan teknologi tinggi apalagi penggunaan tenaga nuklir beresiko tinggi terhadap lingkungan hidup dan tampaknya energi alternatif di masa mendatang masih bertumpu pada penggunaan energi nuklir.

Dari kutipan tersebut di atas, kita peroleh gambaran bahwa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi dimasa mendatang masih menghandalkan penggunaan tenaga nuklir. Jika penggunaan tenaga nuklir merupakan energi alternatif di masa mendatang maka akan banyak dibangun reaktor-reaktor nuklir baru dan berapa jumlahnya kita tidak akan tahu yang jelas akan bertebaran reaktor-reaktor nuklir jika sering terjadi musibah kebocoran reaktor nuklir akan membahayakan bagi lingkungan hidup.

Dilihat dari segi biaya untuk memperoleh energi di masa mendatang memerlukan biaya yang cukup besar dan hanya dapat diupayakan oleh pemerintah saja, maka masyarakat pedesaan akan sulit untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi baik untuk kebutuhan hidup maupun untuk kebutuhan industri karena masyarakat belum mampu menerima teknologi tinggi juga keterbatasan dana yang dimiliki.

Selain energi angin atau biasa dikenal energi bayu, panas identik dengan energi surya, kini air yang juga disebut dengan energi tirta sangat berpotensi untuk dikelola dan dikembangkan. Artinya di Indonesia terdapat banyak desa terpencil yang terletak di tepi sungai dan jauh dari jaringan listrik perkotaan. Misalnya desa-desa di pedalaman pulau Sumatera, Kalimantan, Papua, dan Sulawesi. Umumnya tidak ada jalan darat ke desa-desa tersebut sehingga lalu lintas harus dilakukan melalui sungai. Juga tidak ada jaringan listrik di desa yang amat terpencil itu. Padahal desa tersebut umumnya memiliki potensi agribisnis yang dapat dikembangkan untuk menunjang perekonomian daerah. Artinya, untuk mendirikan industri apapun yang letaknya di tengah hutan masak harus menunggu jaringan PLN, jelas hal ini tidak mungkin. Apalah artinya jika di kawasan hutan tersebut mengalir sungai yang tidak dimanfaatkan, padahal air tersebut dapat membangkitkan energi listrik dan tergantung dari BBM.

Untuk pengadaan listrik, bisa saja masyarakat di desa tersebut membeli generator listrik secara patungan. Tetapi bahan bakarnya yang berupa minyak solar atau bensin harus didatangkan dari kota yang cukup jauh, yang berarti pengeluaran ongkos yang terus menerus dan tidak sedikit jumlahnya. Ironisnya, desa tersebut sebenarnya memiliki sumber energi yang tersedia tidak habis-habisnya, yaitu arus sungai. Tetapi apakah bisa kekuatan arus ini dapat menggantikan bahan bakar untuk menjalankan suatu generator?

Konon, peluang untuk mengadakan listrik di desa-desa terpencil itu dengan mengembangkan suatu turbin atau lebih populer dengan Kincir Air Mini yang dapat berputar oleh arus air di sepanjang sungai yang cara kerjanya untuk menjalankan generator listrik. Dengan demikian, generator ini tidak memerlukan bahan bakar solar atau bensin, cukup ditenagai oleh arus air yang selalu mengalir, dan menghasilkan listrik. Kini, di Indonesia juga sudah mulai tercetus akan penemuan semacam ini, bahkan lebih fleksibel dan inovatif. Kincir air yang ditemukan oleh Djajusman Hadi dan Budiharto di Malang Jawa Timur ini bernama “Kincir Air Kaki Angsa”. Kelebihannya dari inovasi temuan ini adalah tidak memerlukan ketinggian atau air jatuh, tidak memerlukan suatu bendungan, dan praktis dapat ditempatkan di sepanjang sungai tergantung jumlah alat yang mau ditempatkan.

Prinsip kerja kincir kaki angsa ini didasari oleh cara kerja kaki angsa pada waktu berenang. Kalau kita perhatikan secara seksama angsa berenang dan dapat bergerak maju ini disebabkan susunan selaput kaki angsa yang dapat membuka dan menutup; jika kaki angsa bergerak ke depan maka susunan selaput kaki menutup sehingga gaya tekanan air yang menghambat kaki angsa kecil dan bila kaki angsa bergerak ke belakang selaput kaki angsa membuka dan gaya tekan yang mengenai kaki angsa besar hingga dapat mendorong badan angsa maju ke depan. Gerakan kaki angsa maju mundur pada waktu berenang sebenarnya terjadi dua gaya yang bekerja pada kaki angsa yang berlawanan arah untuk diubah menjadi satu arah dengan cara membuka dan menutup selaput kaki angsa.

Sebagai ilustrasi sederhana saja, jika sepanjang sungai dipasang Kincir Air Kaki Angsa sebanyak minimal 20 buah untuk satu lokasi desa, antara satu kincir dengan kincir lain jaraknya 20 meter, maka asumsinya 1 buah kincir menghasilkan output minimal 2.500 Watt, maka wilayah tersebut akan panen listrik tanpa perlu biaya BBM dengan output 50.000 (50 Kwh). Dengan demikian, secara otomatis akan membantu PLN dan masyarakat pelosok pedesaan. Kincir yang difasilitasi oleh energi tirta ini sebenarnya mampu beroperasi pada sungai yang tidak terlalu dalam (70 cm), lebar sungai minimal 7 meter, dan kecepatan air minimal 0,4 m/dt. Dimensi alat alat ini tidak tinggi tapi lebarnya 6 meter, poros kincir berputar menggerakkan kinerja generator dan daya listrik yang dihasilkan bisa disimpan dalam rumah penyimpanan yaitu dengan menggunakan sistem baterai/charger. Fungsinya jika kondisi debit dan kecepatan air terlalu tinggi atau menurun daya listrik dapat diredam dan disimpan.


Penemu : 2 (dua) orang

Nama Penemu : DJAJUSMAN HADI, S.Sos., M. AB. , dan BUDIHARTO, S. Pd

Asal : Staf Universitas Negeri Malang (UM)

Jenis Temuan : Temuan Baru (New Invention)

Tanggal/Nomor Permintaan Paten : Tgl. 30-Juli-2002; No. P00200200460

Diumumkan oleh Kantor Paten : Tgl. 05-2-2004; No. 038.157 A


Djajusman Hadi (HP. 081.3333.680.20)

Budiharto (HP. 0811360629)

Alamat: Humas UM

Jalan Surabaya 6 Malang


  1. Mendapat respon positif dari Mendiknas dalam Pameran Gelar Produk Perguruan Tinggi (wakil dari UM) di Depdiknas Jakarta pada tanggal 22-24 Agustus 2005.
  2. Mendapat pengakuan dari DP3M Ditjen Dikti Depdiknas atas temuan yang dapat digunakan sebagai contoh bagi dunia perguruan tinggi dan masyarakat di Indonesia, tahun 2005.
  3. Terpilih TVRI Nasional dalam kegiatan gelar Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) dan diproduksi selama 3 (tiga) hari dan ditayangkan selama 7 kali, baik regional maupun nasional (2005-2008).


22 January 2009

New Photos About some experiment of water wheel

14 May 2008

Water Wheel



At the moment, requirement of society electrics energy we not yet answered the demand by more rural which is is difficult to be reached by electrics network, accomplishment of requirement of energy of government look for alternative energy like natural gas, embers stone, and nuclear energy. To get the the energy have to big expense and have to use high technology more than anything else usage of nuclear energy of high risk to environment and seems alternative energy in period to come still convergent at usage of nuclear energy.
From above mentioned citation, we get the image of that to fulfill requirement of period to come energi still rely on usage of nuclear energy. If usage of nuclear energy is alternative energy in period to come hence will woke up many new nuclear reactorses and how much the amount of we will not know the clearness of more nuclear reactor if often happened accident leakage of nuclear reactor will endanger for environment.
Is seen from facet of expense to get energy in period to come cost money the big enoughness and can only be strived by just government, hence rural society will difficult to fulfill requirement of energy good to requirement of life and for the requirement of industry because society not yet can accept high technology also limitation of fund had.
Beside conducting efficiency through cultural program economize electrics by national, hence other option which presumably can become alternative solution in replying will the source of energy in future is executed research activity into intensively utilize to find alternative energy or more knowledgeable now with term of new energy. In this context, effort convert new energy and also innovate to the supporter technology of becoming focus of research activity into suchly. This matter in line with Ministrial Decree of Energi and Resource Mineral ( ESDM) Number 0002 year 2004 concerning Policy Of Development of New Energi and Energy Conservation that opportunity of aptimation exploiting of source of new energy. For example, exploiting of wind power as source of energy in Indonesia through windmill it is not impossible to be developed furthermore, because potency of wind energy in Indonesia generally have speed more than 5 metre per second (m/second).
Besides wind energi, in Indonesia also there are a lot of riparian located cloistered countrysides. For example countryside in hinterland of Sumatra island, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. Generally there no road;street land to the countryside so that traffic must be done through river. Nor there is electrics network in countryside that very cloistered. Though the countryside generally have potency of agrobusiness able to be developed to support economics of area. Mean, to found any industry laid at in the middle of ripe forest have to await network of Electric, clear of this matter not possible. What it mean if in the forest area emit a stream of un-exploited river, though the water can awaken electrics energi and depended from Oil Energy

shallow River channel ( 0,70 m), in Times of Anyar river Kedungkandang Malang

For the levying of electrics, society might possibly in the countryside buy electrics generator by together. But the fuel of which in the form of diesel oil or gasoline have to be delivered from enough town far, meaning expenditure of continuous fare and by dozens the amount of him. Ironically, the countryside in fact have the source of energy the availableness not used, that is river current. But do strength of this current can replace fuel to run an generator? It is said, opportunity to perform electrics that cloistered countryside developed an turbine ( mini wheel) which can rotate by current irrigate to run pocket edition electrics generator. Thereby, this generator not need diesel fuel or gasoline, enough energy by water current which always emit a stream of, and yield electrics. Nowadays, in Indonesia also have started to blaze invention will a kind of this, even more flexible and inovatif.

Center of Departement Electricity in Indonesia (P3TKEBT) ESDM work along with technological inventor of type paddle wheel " Foot/Feet Goose" found by Brother Djajusman Hadi and Budiharto, both staff in University of Malang ( UM), have tested the appliance in Malang, East Java since year 2006. " Water Wheel Foot/Feet Goose" this differ from water wheel type before all, differentiating is not need height, and way making of barrage. Efficient thing, this appliance can be attached in shallow river till sink, and later forwards can be functioned in sea to get electrics energi which is bigger far

With this Water Wheel Foot/Feet Goose moved, target of is to yield electrics enegy without draping oil fuel.

Paddle wheel aim to transfer water energi become electrics

  • To get the source of energy the cheapness and cannot finished.
  • To get energy the environmental friendliness.
  • To look for alternative substitution of oil energy and gas.
  • To develop precise technology utilize for rural society.
  • To assist to solve problem generalization of electrics for rural society.
  • o assist to to increase product industry in rural, ad for agriculture industry, and fishery of agro industrial.
  • To develop technology and science in Indonesia

  • white Embers stone is water power because water emiting a stream of to have energy like stone smolder hence water power named by white embers stone.
  • " Water Wheel Foot/Feet Goose" is the name of water wheel which the was activity way of looking like the way of goose foot/feet activity, with style open and close the goose foot/feet able to isn't it become water wheel fin leaf and propeller

Relevantly, excess of simple technology which created by this inventor is can rotate in a condition sink in shallow river water and till in sinking, because if sinking exactly can yield electrics energi which is bigger far. Forwards refer presentation of is Former Presidents of BJ Habibie in meeting with ministry of ESDM year 2005 concerning potency of energi electrics in Indonesia that is for rich strait in Indonesia electrics potency, so long as there is turbine able to transfer the energi. And this appliance have time to assess flexible enough if applied in sea..

Founder NAme:

Year of Invention:
Staf Universitas Negeri Malang (UM)
Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Kind of Invention:
New Invention
Date/Number Patent:
Tanggal 30-Juli-2002; No. P00200200460
Release by Office Patent:
 05-Februari-2004; No. 038.157 A

Djajusman Hadi dan Budiharto



1. Elementary Principle
Principle work this goose foot/feet paddle wheel is constituted by way work goose foot/feet when swimming. If us pay attention by careful, goose swim can draw away this caused by goose foot/feet membrane formation able to open and close; if peripatetic goose foot/feet forwards hence foot/feet membrane formation close so that water pressure style pursuing small goose foot/feet and when peripatetic goose foot/feet rear goose foot/feet membrane open and style depress which hitting big goose foot/feet till can push goose body come forth. Foot/Feet goose movement go forward to retreat when swimming in fact happened two style which put hand to adversative goose foot/feet direction turned into one way by opening and closing goose foot/feet membrane.

Inspired By Movement Foot/Feet Goose Moment Swim

If us give attention to above picture, earning isn't it that two the goose foot/feet make a move contraryly, one foot/feet swing forwards one other foot/feet swing rear. Goose foot/feet swinging rear foot/feet membrane open so that can block water and generate motivation style forwards, while goose foot/feet forwards foot/feet membrane folded so that earn small resistance not generate motivation rear from this movement earn we conclude that: " two style which put hand to one straight line and contrary direction can be turned into one style by making such a great difference of style." When steel sheet lah blade or is made from wood board underwater of river emiting a stream of to be given by ace in the middle of the board hence the board get impellent of good front of board which there is below axis and above axis get style which isof equal size, in a state of that way board not earn to rotate or make a move because impellent rear which accepted by board below axis lever up forwards above axis, while board of axis also get style of front hence happened collision two adversative style of direction is equal size. To get pirouetting is such as wanted style two the board shares have to be made to differ by folding one part of the board.

Fin Paddle wheel which forming moment propeller attached in river

At above picture, axis tabletop creasing or can fold. If us pay attention picture 4 hence there two style work at one particular contrary line direction but big unegual style so that instruct smaller style follow larger ones style. Undercarriage board of axis get this matter larger ones style of above board of axis can fold so that smaller accepted style if compared to accepted style undercarriage board. In the end board below axis get impellent rear. Because board is upper and lower attached at one particular internode hence friction of board under this axis will lever up upper board forwards. If this board is stringed up by 6 board hence will happened movement turn around.

2. Device Design
Design paddle wheel ( Paddle wheel Foot/Feet Goose) almost equal to utilized water wheel farmer to irrigate rice field. There’s only some altered shareses to be adapted for requirement. Pursuant to above experience, this goose foot/feet paddle wheel is designed longer and shorter and from head to foot this goose foot/feet paddle wheel is designed longer and shorter and from head to foot paddle wheel countersinking or attached in river base so that not imbued with ebb irrigate river hence this paddle wheel form is designed special so that can rotate underwaterly.

Moment paddle wheel operate to be witnessed Kedungkandang citizen


Result research into or executed test-drive in Kali Anyar River, Kedung Kandang, Malang, East Java 2 January 2008, succeeding " Success", this appliance in an optimal fashion can release electrics energy with energy equal to 2,5 Kwh ( 2500 Watt). Though in a condition like that, this paddle wheel in fact can release electrics with energy 10 Kwh ( 10.000 Watt) for requirement 20 - 30 countryside citizen. this 2 paddle wheel dimension of couple grow into one, with length 6 metre, wide 2 metre, with height 2,5 metre. Speed of needed water minimize 0,40 metre per second with deepness of river between 40 - 100 cm.



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